Leader/Jarl of Wodens Hearth born 840AD near Oseberg I traveled to western England in 869AD to find my own land and hearth. However I was drawn into war with Ivarr the Boneless, Ubbi and Halfdan later settling in East Anglia. I created a Hearth under what would be known in later times as the Danelaw in a village now known as Medeshamstede. I brought a several loyal men and my Huscarl Grimm from Denmark, and met Gunnar a Rus trader who helped me to establish our hearth. In a short time it swelled to include some of the native Angles who had sworn loyalty to me.
I am Grimm born in Denmark, my father was a warrior in the Great Heathen Army. I was born in 846AD and learned the ways of a warrior from my father and went on my first raid with my father to Jorvik, there we met a great Saxon army where my father was killed with a sword through the throat sending him to Valhalla. After beating the smelly Saxon's at Jorvik I headed west with two friends Floki and Ivor, we were ambushed and my friends were killed, and I was taked prisoner by local Saxon's. I escaped killing a number of them before travelling south to East Anglia and met up with friends that had settled there, becoming a member of the hearth.
I am Gunnar born in 840AD and I hail from Gotland. My father is a local trader, my mother is a Jarls daughter and in my younger days I went trading with my dad to the lands of the Rus. Since my parents have now departed and being the third son I followed my fathers footsteps and started trading with the Rus. Back in Denmark in 870 whilst trading with the Danes I arranged passage to Birka, however ended up in Mercia and met up with Grimm during a raid on a local settlement. Shared a beer and was invited to join the Hearth.
I was born in 841AD and raised in small farm in Valsgarde just North of Upsala having been adopted from a land far to the east and across the sea. Taught the ways of a warrior I found my passion lay in storytelling and music and so with a need to discover new stories and adventure I enlisted to follow Ubbi and Halfdan to the lands of the Saxon.
Born not far from Olaf in Uppsalla in 850AD looking for adventure i travelled to the lands of the Saxons to be part of the Great Heathen Army. Hearing Olaf one day around the campfire we became good friends. After helping to sack an Abbey in a small town called Medeshampstede Olaf introduced me to Ragnar who had set up a Hearth there to keep the locals in check allowing Ubbi and Halfdan to reign free.
Members Combatants: Ragnar Skjótrson, Gunnar inn Rauğr, Grimm, Torbjorn inn Lodinn, Ashildr sú-ulfrr, Olaf inn Skáld, Brynhildr Váfuðr Refr, Ubba. Non Combatants: Torvi, Brynhildr Váfuðr Refr. Mercenary: Ashildr sú-ulfrr. |
Last updated 1/1/2023